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Environmental Effects

What effects will the wall have on the environment?

What effect will the wall have in terms of pollution?

     President Trump wall should not be built because its construction will have costly environmental effects. This in large part stems from the amount of cement that will be utilized in its construction. According to an article posted in the journal Scientific American, cement production is one of the world’s major sources of greenhouse gasses (Bolstad). With this fact in mind, a project such as Trump's wall will need immense amounts of cement. One source estimates that the project will require as much as 1.9 million tons of cement (Johnston). The amount of greenhouse gases this, in turn, will equate to will be soul crushing to efforts to reduce climate change. Greenhouse gases are a key contributor to such things as ozone depletion and warming climates ("Medically Reviewed"). Furthermore, if this were not bad enough, the wall will result in tons of smog being emitted into surrounding air. For residents in nearby areas, this will lead to health problems such as lung damage and worsening asthma symptoms ("Medically Reviewed"). One cannot be pro- mother earth and simultaneously pro-  border wall. The choice must be made. 

What effect will the wall have on animals?

        Moreover, another environmental effect of Trump's wall will be its disruptive impact on animal migratory patterns. It is estimated that the wall will threaten at least 111 endangered species as well as pass through four key wildlife reserves in the United States (Bhagwat). According to Dan Millis, a program manager with the Sierra Club’s Borderlands project, they are already seeing wildlife migratory patterns being blocked by the existing fencing on the border (Bolstad). The impact of a continuous structure would simply be devastating. Furthermore, in addition to blocking migratory patterns, the wall will reduce mating pools of local animals and in turn increase their susceptibilities to diseases because of lack of genetic diversity (Sullivan). President Trump's border wall if built will be an environmental nightmare.

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